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1. Eligibility for Refund

Qualification for Refund Request:

To qualify for a refund, subscribers must meet the following criteria:

- Timeframe for Notification: Refund requests must be submitted within fourteen (14) days from the date of purchase or the initiation of the service contract. This period allows subscribers adequate time to assess the service and ensures prompt communication with our team.

- Condition of Service at the Time of Request: The services must be in the state they were provided at the time of purchase, primarily unused. This condition ensures that refunds are granted for services that have not been utilized or altered, except in cases where the service is faulty or was misrepresented.

Exceptions to Standard Eligibility:

- Faulty Services: If a service is inherently faulty or the subscriber experiences a significant discrepancy between the provided service and its description or agreed-upon specifications, eligibility for a refund is extended beyond the initial 14-day period. In such cases, the issue must be reported as soon as reasonably possible once discovered.

- Misrepresentation: If any aspect of the service is found to be misrepresented at the point of sale or through our promotional materials, subscribers are entitled to a refund, even if the service has been partially used. The misrepresentation must be substantiated with evidence.

Documentation Requirements:

Subscribers seeking a refund under these provisions are encouraged to provide:

- Proof of purchase or contract agreement.

- A clear and concise description of the reason for the refund request, including details of any fault or misrepresentation if applicable.

Initiating a Refund Request:

To initiate a refund request, subscribers should contact our subscriber service team through the following official channels:

Refund requests will be acknowledged within 3 business days, and preliminary assessments will be communicated shortly thereafter.

2. Conditions of Refund

Detailed Procedures for Refund Processing

Upon confirming eligibility for a refund as outlined in Clause 1, subscribers must adhere to the following conditions to facilitate the processing of their refund:

- Written Notification: All refund requests must be submitted in writing. The request should include the subscriber's full name, contact information, details of the purchase, and a comprehensive explanation of why the refund is being requested. This documentation helps us to quickly and efficiently verify the claim and proceed with the refund process.

- Compliance with UAE Consumer Protection Law: The reasons for a refund must align with the criteria specified under the UAE Consumer Protection Law. This includes non-conformity with the contract, defects in the service, or the service not being as described. Specific instances that qualify for a refund under these conditions should be clearly articulated in the request.

- Proof of Claim: Subscribers are required to provide adequate proof to support their refund request. This may include screenshots, receipts, email correspondence, or other relevant documents that substantiate the claim of non-conformity, defects, or misrepresentation.

- Review and Verification: Upon receipt of a refund request, BEM Software Development LLC-FZ will review all provided information and may request additional documentation or details to fully assess the claim. This review process is typically completed within 10 business days, after which the subscriber will be notified of the outcome.

- Refund Method: Approved refunds will be processed back to the original method of payment unless otherwise requested by the subscriber and agreed upon by BEM Software Development LLC-FZ. Refunds are generally processed within 14 business days of the decision.

- Cancellation Fee: If applicable, a cancellation fee may be deducted from the refund amount as agreed upon at the time of purchase. This fee compensates for the administrative costs associated with the setup and potential disruption caused by the cancellation.

Contact for Refund Inquiries:

For any inquiries related to refunds or to follow up on a refund request, please contact our subscriber service team at:

3. Processing Refunds

Method of Refund

Refunds will be issued using the same method of payment that was used for the original transaction, unless an alternative arrangement is agreed upon by both the subscriber and BEM Software Development LLC-FZ. This ensures a streamlined process that is both secure and efficient. Possible refund methods include:

- Credit card

- Bank transfer

- Payment Services Providers include (Strip)

In instances where a direct refund to the original payment method is not possible or practical, subscribers will be contacted to arrange an alternative refund method that is convenient and acceptable.

Timeframe for Refund Processing:

Refunds will be processed within a reasonable timeframe to ensure prompt return of funds to our subscribers. Specifically, the refund process will be completed within:

- Thirty (30) days from the receipt of the written refund request and all necessary documentation supporting the claim.

Expedited Refund Considerations:

We strive to process refunds as swiftly as possible. In cases where rapid processing is necessary, such as in situations of service non-delivery or significant misrepresentation, efforts will be made to expedite the refund process. Subscribers are encouraged to indicate any urgent considerations when they submit their refund request to facilitate such prioritization.

Notification of Refund Status:

Subscribers will be informed of the status of their refund request throughout the processing period. Notifications will include confirmation of receipt of the refund request, any requests for additional information, confirmation of refund approval, and a final notification when the refund has been processed.

Responsibilities and Obligations:

BEM Software Development LLC-FZ is committed to honoring its obligations under UAE Consumer Protection Law by ensuring that refunds are processed accurately and responsibly. Subscribers are responsible for providing accurate and complete information related to their refund request to avoid delays.

4. Cancellation Fee

Application of Cancellation Fee

At BEM Software Development LLC-FZ, we strive to maintain transparency and fairness in all our transactions. In certain circumstances, a cancellation fee may be applied to compensate for the administrative costs and resource allocation made in preparation for providing the service. This fee is only applied under the following conditions:

- Pre-Agreement: The possibility of a cancellation fee is explicitly stated in the original contract or terms of service.

- Subscriber Consent: The subscriber has agreed to these terms, including the cancellation fee, at the time of purchase. This agreement is typically obtained through a clear acknowledgment or consent mechanism during the purchase or contract initiation process.

Amount and Conditions of the Cancellation Fee:

- The specific amount or percentage of the cancellation fee, and the conditions under which it will be charged, are detailed in the original contract or agreement.

- The fee reflects a reasonable estimation of the costs incurred by BEM Software Development LLC-FZ in preparing to provide the service, and is not punitive in nature.

Waiver of Cancellation Fee:

We understand that certain situations beyond the control of our subscribers can necessitate a cancellation. Under such circumstances, BEM Software Development LLC-FZ may, at its discretion, choose to waive the cancellation fee. Situations that might merit a waiver include, but are not limited to:

- Unforeseen personal emergencies.

- Service cancellations due to faults or misrepresentations on the part of BEM Software Development LLC-FZ.

Notification and Processing:

- Subscribers will be notified of any applicable cancellation fees at the time of their cancellation request.

- The fee, if applicable, will be deducted from any refunds processed or will be billed accordingly if no refund is due.

Disputes and Concerns:

If a subscriber believes that a cancellation fee has been incorrectly applied or wishes to discuss the waiver of a fee due to extenuating circumstances, they are encouraged to contact BEM Software Development LLC-FZ’s subscriber service at [email protected]. We are committed to resolving such issues amicably and transparently.

5. Exclusions

Non-Refundable Services and Digital Content.

At BEM Software Development LLC-FZ, we offer various services and digital content that, due to their nature, are not eligible for refunds once they have been fully consumed or accessed. The following are specific exclusions from our refund policy:

- Fully Consumed Services: Any services that have been fully utilized or consumed by the subscriber are not eligible for refunds. This includes services where the primary value is delivered and consumed immediately or within the usage period specified at the time of purchase.

- Digital Content Downloads: Digital content that has been accessed or downloaded by the subscriber is generally not eligible for a refund. This includes, but is not limited to, software downloads, digital reports, eBooks, and online course materials.

Compliance with Consumer Protection Law:

These exclusions are in line with the exceptions provided under the UAE Consumer Protection Law, which specifies conditions under which certain types of goods or services are exempt from standard refund policies. This includes digital products and services that lose their replicability once they are used or accessed.

Exceptions to Exclusions:

However, exceptions to these exclusions may occur under specific circumstances, such as:

- If the digital content or service is defective.

- If there has been a misrepresentation of the content or service provided.

In such cases, subscribers are encouraged to contact our subscriber support to discuss potential remedies, including but not limited to corrections, replacements, or in exceptional cases, refunds.

Procedure for Claiming Under Exceptions:

Subscribers who believe their situation warrants an exception due to the reasons stated above should submit a claim through the following:

- Email: [email protected]

- Any claim must include a detailed description of the issue and any evidence supporting the claim of defect or misrepresentation


It is important for subscribers to review the nature of the services and digital content before purchase, as refunds cannot be granted once they are accessed or fully consumed, except in specific exceptional circumstances as outlined above.

6. Non-refundable Services

Transparency at the Point of Purchase

At BEM Software Development LLC-FZ, we believe in maintaining transparency and clarity with our subscribers regarding the refundability of our services. Certain services or features offered by BEM Software Development LLC-FZ are non-refundable due to their specific nature or the costs involved in their provision. These non-refundable services or features will be clearly labeled as "Non-refundable" at the time of purchase.

List of Non-refundable Services

- Subscription Services: Services that involve ongoing commitments or those provided over a specific duration may be considered non-refundable. Examples include, but are not limited to, annual subscription services where the cost reflects a discounted rate for a commitment period.

- Customized Services: Services that are customized or personalized for an individual subscriber, such as tailored consultations or custom data reports, are non-refundable once work has commenced.

- Event Registrations: Fees for events or workshops may not be refundable, particularly if the registration cost goes towards securing the venue and other logistical arrangements.

Reasons for Non-refundability:

The non-refundability of these services is typically due to the upfront costs incurred to provide the service, the nature of digital delivery, or the customization involved, which cannot be recuperated once the service is rendered. This policy ensures that we can continue to offer these services with the requisite quality and dedication they require.

Subscriber Acknowledgment:

- During the purchase process, subscribers are required to acknowledge their understanding that certain services are non-refundable. This acknowledgment is obtained through active confirmation checking a box that signifies the subscriber has read and understands the terms of non-refundability.

Query and Feedback:

Subscribers with questions or concerns about non-refundable services are encouraged to contact our subscriber support before making a purchase. We aim to provide full clarity on why certain services are non-refundable and assist you in making an informed decision.

- Contact details for inquiries:

- Email: [email protected]

Modification of Services:

If there is a significant change to the nature of the service post-purchase that affects its delivery, we will communicate these changes promptly to affected subscribers and discuss possible alternatives, which may include offering credits or substitutes where applicable.